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Become a Quam partner
Become a partner
Our solutions for your success
Become a consulting partner
Our consulting partners
provide Quam customers with knowledgeable support
for the successful implementation of your BPO projects
Become a hosting partner
Our hosting partners
offer customers Quam as a SaaS solution or
individual operating concepts for their Quam
Consulting Partner werden

You would like to become a consulting partner?

No one can be equally perfect in every subject, in every industry and in every region. aiio concentrates on the continuous development of Quam and is looking for consulting partners who deal with the topics of process management and organizational development - with different emphases, in different industries and regions.

If we have aroused your interest, simply send us an e-mail or give us a call.

Would you like to become a hosting partner?

Quam is open to all types of businesses. We are looking for partners who can support Quam customers with installation, integration and operation or who can take over operation for customers as Application Service Providers.

If you would like to offer Quam as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or would like to become a hosting partner, please contact us. Just send us an e-mail or give us a call.

Hosting-Partner werden