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Uploading documents and images (Quam 5.3)

Open |Downloadcenter in the quick start bar and if there are any folders, open your desired destination folder.

Hochladen von Dokumenten und Bildern

In the upper selection menu, you can use the |New Document command or drag and drop (1) to upload one or more documents from your file system to the document library at the same time (the upload function differs slightly depending on the SharePoint version). For more information, please refer to the SharePoint Help.)

After uploading a document, you can store document properties. Select the corresponding document in the document library (2) and choose |Edit Properties (3) from the ribbon bar to store this information.

Make the required entries in the input screen, link the document to a management system or resource if necessary, and specify a role or organizational unit responsible for the document. Confirm your entries with the |Save Button.