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Managing and Creating Groups in the Organizational Plan (Quam 5.3)

Groups are used to structure the enterprise model. Within the organizational plan, there are three groups as standard:

  • Organigrams,
  • Roles and Committees as well as
  • External Partners.
Gruppen in der Aufbauorganisation

Groups and subgroups can be created to structure the data more finely or to adapt the system to special requirements. For example, you can differentiate between external partners according to whether they are customers or vendors. The assignment of the new groups results either from the selection of the corresponding parent object (part of) or from the assignment as child objects (assigned are). If a group remains without a parent object, the new group is displayed on the highest hierarchy level.
This will be illustrated by the example already mentioned. Two new groups "Customers" and "Suppliers" are created to structure the external partners more finely. Both are assigned the group "External partners" as parent object (represented by the dashed line) in order to assign them unambiguously.

Verwalten und Erstellen von Gruppen in der Aufbauorganisation

The parent-child principle runs through the entire Quam and can be applied to all elements of process and structural organisation, resources and management systems.