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Project times - record and assign
Project times
Simple recording and assignment
Projektzeiten erfassen und zuordnen

Project times - Recording and assigning working times

Project team members can report back working times spent on work packages to which they have been assigned by the project management. Since this should be easily accessible and generally available for all projects assigned to an employee, the effort is maintained centrally in the Quam portfolio level.

Time recording - Confirm time spent

Project team members can report back working times spent on work packages to which they have been assigned by the project management. Since this should be easily accessible and generally available for all projects assigned to an employee, the effort is maintained centrally in the portfolio level of the Quam project management module.

Evaluate recorded times - Tabular overview of recorded working times

A tabular overview of all resource bookings per work package and project team member is available to the project management and the project team in the project room. This overview can also be exported to Excel using SharePoint.

Exporting data to Excel - Accessing spreadsheets

To create additional reports, you can use the SharePoint feature to export the SharePoint list items displayed in the current view to Excel to work with the data in a spreadsheet.

More features of Quam® can be found on our product page.