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Creation of new guidelines, management system manuals and manual chapters(Quam 5.3)

Management manuals consist of different sections and chapters. The content can be attached to each section as a separate file or written directly into the "Notes" field.

Legislation and company guidelines also belong in Quam and can be communicated in the right places by linking them to the corresponding processes.

To create new policies, management system manuals, or manual chapters, open the input form for the parent Management Systems group or management manual to which you want to assign new policies, manuals, or manual chapters. Click the PLUS button (1) under "Assigned", select the corresponding content type (2), make the desired entries in the form and save the new element in the system by clicking the |Save button.

This way you can quickly and easily create new manuals and subchapters. The parent-child relationship is automatically set in this process.

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If you want to attach the contents of a manual chapter as a separate file, please proceed as described in chapter Uploading Documents and Images (Quam 5.3) and assign the corresponding manual chapter in the form field "Assigned Management System" after the upload.

In the view of the manual chapter, the document can then be opened directly with a mouse click.
