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Uploading documents and images (Quam 5.3)

Uploading documents and images (Quam 5.3) Downloadcenter (Quam 5.3) Open |Downloadcenter in the quick start bar and if there are any folders, open your desired destination folder. In the upper selection...

Downloadcenter (Quam 5.3)

Downloadcenter (Quam 5.3) In the Quam download center, the company manages all templates, standards, policies, regulations, and records used in the processes. These documents are available to users...

Graphical modelling of building plans (Quam 5.3)

Graphical modeling of building plans (Quam 5.3) Modeling of building plans (Quam 5.3) To model a building plan with graphical tools, open the corresponding element and proceed as follows: Open the...

Create building plans in the standard view (Quam 5.3)

Create building plans in the standard view (Quam 5.3) Modeling of building plans (Quam 5.3) This section deals with the textual modeling of building plans without the use of graphical tools. The elements...

Modeling of building plans (Quam 5.3)

Modeling of building plans (Quam 5.3) In the Quam, the company's building plans can be displayed and drawn from the site through the buildings and levels to detailed room and inventory plans. There...

Linking a contact list with Outlook (Quam 5.3)

Linking a contact list with Outlook (Quam 5.3) Managing employees (Quam 5.3) Open the list menu in the upper navigation area by clicking on |List, select |Connect to Outlook and confirm the queries...

Assigning Employee Photos (Quam 5.3)

Assigning Employee Photos (Quam 5.3) Managing Employees (Quam 5.3) A photo can be stored for each employee already created, which makes recognition easier. A separate image library was created for...

Managing Employee Data (Quam 5.3)

Managing Employee Data (Quam 5.3) Managing Employees (Quam 5.3) To create a new data record in the system, execute the following steps: Select the command |New element (1) above the employee listing...

Managing Employees (Quam 5.3)

Managing Employees (Quam 5.3) In the staff list of Quam you manage the employee data of the company. Open the personnel list by clicking in the quick start bar on the menu item |Personal. Managing...

Graphical Modeling of Resources (Quam 5.3)

Graphical Modeling of Resources (Quam 5.3) Modeling of Resources (Quam 5.3) To graphically visualize your infrastructure or IT network plans, open the home page of Resources and proceed as follows: Open...

Creating Resources (Quam 5.3)

Creating Resources (Quam 5.3) Modeling of Resources (Quam 5.3) Different IT systems and forms are used as standard within the company. When creating products and services, employees use various materials...

Structuring of Resources (Quam 5.3)

Structuring Resources (Quam 5.3) Modeling of Resources (Quam 5.3) By creating new subgroups, the resources can be structured more precisely and thus displayed more clearly. Quam first differentiates...